A bill being pushed by the New York City Council would grant non-citizens AND illegal aliens the right to vote in local elections. This post should not even need to be written, but unfortunately in the Peoples' Republic of New York, it must be addressed.
I will not address the absurdity of this proposal. You can do that on your own.
What I will quickly discuss is why this is unconstitutional in New York City.
Stay with me. This is a little wonky.
The NYC Board of Elections consists of 10 commissioners. There are 2 from each county/borough. One is a Democrat and one is a Republican.

The commissioners are recommended by County Chairmen of the respective parties AND approved by the City Council members of the respective parties. In the event a Chairman fails to appoint a commissioner or violates some arcane election law or rule, the City Council then selects the commissioner outright.
Democrats want illegal aliens to vote for City Council members who in turn appoint the commissioners to the Board of Election who can then in turn make rulings affecting the outcome of federal elections.
This is clearly unconstitutional.
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