ICYMI: Flirtin' With Disaster
1:11 AM
Behind Enemy Lines
Dale Bellis
Donald Trump
Election 2016
Gene Berardelli
Liberty HealthShare
Matt Schlapp
President Donald Trump
Russell Gallo
Sen. Ted Cruz
Social Conservative
If we're working with Donald Trump, we tell him to stay away from Texas Senator Ted Cruz. He's dangerous in debates and crazy smart.
If we're working with Ted Cruz, we tell him to stay away from NY billionair Donald Trump. He's been impervious to attack and his rise in the polls defies logical and conventional election thinking.
So why are they locked in mortal (political) combat? Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo discuss.
Oh, and Gene slams NYC Republicans offended by #NewYorkValues, Russ slams Chris Christie and both hosts slam the Democrats!
PLUS! A great interview with the American Conservative Union's Matt Schlapp with a great preview of CPAC!
Tons of show comin' at 'cha!
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