The Unraveling Of Shaun King - UPDATED

When last we left known liar Shaun King, he had blocked BEL and me personally on Twitter because he's a punk-@$$ beyotch
What's a budding lying propagandist to do when the people you want to lead - and allegedly bilk out of money - get wise to your hustle?

That's the conundrum for Shaun King, the black reporter white opportunist that wormed his way onto the national political scene by riding the coattails of the Black Lives Matter movement to a $7,500-per-speech-gig as well as a position as "senior justice reporter" for the ridiculously off-the-rails liberal scum-sucking rag that used to be the NY Daily News.  

"People let me tell you about my best friend, he's a scum-sucking lying thief who'll talks s#!t in the end..."
King, who blocked the show and yours truly after we wrote how the NYDN lost its damn mind by dumping real reporters like Celeste Katz for inglourious self-promoting basterds like him, is apparently persona non grata with BLM cogniscenti Deray McKesson and other "leaders" over the unknown whereabouts of funds raised for a project called "Justice Together".  

As Breitbart (who first uncovered the dubious nature of King's "biracial" roots) reports:  
Mckesson has revealed he was blocked by King after asking questions about the latter’s management of funds. Activists who donated to King’s Justice Together say the organisation was hopelessly mismanaged and they want to know where their money has gone now that King has shut the organisation down.

But honestly, is it such a stretch that a guy who lied about who he is would lie about other things... like money?  

We feel your outrage, Deray, but I guess the old adage is true:  A fool and his money are soon parted.  Perhaps a bit more vetting would be in order before you willing hand over money to a guy who lives a lie?

This is yet another indication that it's high time for the sideshow to exit stage LEFT, and for the adults to have a serious discussion on race in America.  

UPDATE:  It would appear as that we've reached critical mass and preparing for full meltdown mode!

Again, from Breitbart:
The activist and New York Daily News journalist is under siege on social media, long his primary field of operations. King has lost more than two thousand followers in under 12 hours. Supporters and opponents alike are flooding into the discussion, with dozens of messages about King per minute on Twitter.
King himself seems to be in a highly panicked state, quickly adopting and then abandoning tactics to respond to the controversy. 
Brietbart is also hosting a "Shaun King Stream" at 2PM today.

Yowser. Pass the popcorn, y'all!

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About Gene Berardelli, Esq.

To learn more about the author, check out the "About Us" page. Behind Enemy Lines Radio is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York City that airs on multiple radio stations as part of the Talk America Radio Network. It is also an "Insider" column on Newsmax featuring show hosts Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo. The show is also available on multiple networks across the internet, with more being added regularly.


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