It was hard to pick out highlights for this year - frankly because there were so many! From CPAC and sitting down for nearly an hour with Sen. Ted Cruz, to Philadelphia and talking with RNC's Raffi Williams, to discussing the latest works of Sen. Mike Lee, Van Hipp, the Benham Brothers and Dr. Alveda King, to sipping whiskey with Sabo, And then there was getting a "scoop" with Sen. John McCain at Values Voter Summit! Honestly, I wish we could have played them all.
It's also been a year of major accomplishment - our debut on AM Radio, syndication online on multiple networks that re-broadcast us, dissemination of the show on high-profile platforms and earning sponsors who believe in our work.
But I think we picked out some doozies, including clips from interviews with Sen. Ted Cruz, actor Kevin Sorbo, our buddies Jason & David Benham and Sen. Mike Lee.
As great as 2015 was, we're going to top ourselves again in 2016 - bank on it!
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