We here at BEL want to bring our audience the best information possible on the Iran Nuclear Deal. That is why we are welcoming back a good friend to the show to do just that - Van Hipp.
Besides being the most frequent returning guest on BEL, Van Hipp has one of the most impressive military and foreign affair backgrounds we know. Currently, Van is Chairman of American Defense International, Inc. (ADI), a Washington, DC based consulting firm specializing in government affairs, business development and public relations. He is also the author of The New Terrorism: How to Fight It and Defeat It, which expertly and efficiently navigates the increasingly complex national security threats that the United States and its interests face and the shortcomings within the systems slated to address them.
From 1986 to 1989, Van Hipp served as the Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party and served as a member of the Presidential Electoral College in 1988. In 1990, Van Hipp was sworn in as Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Reserve Forces and Mobilization) and served in this position during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Following the "Tailhook Scandal," Hipp was named by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney to be the Principal Deputy General Counsel of the Navy. He served in this capacity until January 1993.
A veteran of the U.S. Army, Hipp speaks on defense issues at public forums across the country, and his articles on defense and international policy have been widely read in the national print media. Hipp has appeared on the Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNN and other networks as an expert commentator on the War on Terror, defense and national security issues.
He'll join me and fill-in host Matt Fairley in discussing the ins and outs of the Iran Nuclear Deal.
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