We cannot keep letting the liberal media control the narrative on issues like this.
The Republican Party is not against children and adults receiving vaccines for various diseases. There is no section in our national platform addressing how we want to prevent people from receiving vaccines. We do not want science to stop developing these vaccines. By allowing the media to spin a comment on a vaccine into these topics, we are hurting our elected officials, candidates, and party in general.
And this is not the first time this has happened to the GOP. The stance that the government should not force organizations to provide certain contraception coverage if that goes against their core beliefs was spun into the narrative of the Republican Party being anti-woman. The support that people in the GOP have of the late Chris Kyle and the movie America Sniper has been translated by the media into the GOP being gun-toting, war mongerers.
Leading up to the important election year of 2016, we must stop allowing the liberal media to set the narrative on issues. Elected officials, candidates, and political pundits need to do what they can to combat this. The discussions on all topics need to stay on track with Republican ideals - defending the Constitution, pushing for smaller government, and ensuring we stay true to the ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that our Founding Fathers fought for.
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