With less than 24 hours until polls open up across the
country, the Democrats are bringing out all the stops for their candidates. The
polls are showing that the Democrats are facing disaster on 3 different fronts:
possible loss of control of the Senate, further GOP control of the House, and
further GOP control on Governorships.
So the Democrats, their cronies, and donors have resorted
to desperate tactics to sway voters in these final hours before Election Day.
Firstly, the War on Women. While the Democrats have led
us to believe for years that the Republican Party is completely anti-women, the
hypocritical Democrats have showed they are the true perpetrators of the War on
Women. In Iowa, the retiring Democrat Senator Tom Harkin stated at a local Democrat Party event, “….. Joni Ernst. She’s really attractive, and she sounds
nice….. I don’t care if she’s as good looking as Taylor Swift, or as nice as
Mr. Rogers…” These kinds of statements are wrong on so many levels. First off,
it insinuates that looks and personality are the most important characteristics
for women in politics. This narrative is demeaning and falls right in line with
how the Democrats appeal to women voters by using celebrities and pushing
personal social issues to win votes because fiscal, national security, and foreign
policy issues are only important to men. Second, this directly insults Joni
Ernst, Republican candidate for Iowa’s U.S. Senate seat, a woman whose resume
includes holding an Iowa State Senate seat, currently serving as a Lieutenant
Colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard, and earning Bachelor and Master
degrees. It is far easier to paint conservative women as pretty, nice people
than to actually admit they are intellectual, accomplished people dedicated to
their country.
Secondly, Race Baiting. This tactic has been used in
multiple races to ensure that minority voters come out in droves, not because
the Democrat candidate has a great platform but because the Republican
candidate will apparently do everything in their power to hurt minorities. One
race baiting campaign flyer in Alabama states that people in the black
community needed to vote or their land would be given to klansman. Campaign mailers in many Southern states have used imagery of Michael Brown to warn that
white police officers will mow down people on the street if they do not vote
for Democrats. In Texas, a television ad running on the Spanish-language
channels has warned that the Tea Party Republicans are radical terrorists who
want to enact acts of violence against Hispanic families. The Democrats and their
cronies running these ads are degrading minority groups by implying they are
only a valued voter because of their skin tone and nothing else. They are using
lies and threats to try to sway voters rather than run candidates on their own
Don’t be fooled by these desperate tactics. Vote smart
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