Rental Dispute? Workplace Violence? Don’t Believe The Lies


A Brooklyn father of three with the American Dream was found nearly beheaded, burned, and robbed in his basement apartment on January 9, 2014.

Mahuddin Mahmud legally immigrated to the US decades ago to start a computer softwaretraining business and became a landlord. A rental dispute occurred in January in a small Bangladeshi community in Brooklyn, NY, and ended in a traditional native Bangladesh attack of beheading and burning the victim. After the murder, the young 27-year old criminal Rasel Siddiquee rushed to JFK in an attempt to jump on a plane to Bangladesh. Luckily, he was apprehended by the NYPD before he could escape the country.

Does this story sound familiar? Of course it does, after the beheading of a 54-year old grandmother in Oklahoma several weeks ago. Besides the obvious common thread of a gruesome beheading, the other worrisome common thread is the government and media handling of the story.

What did the media do about this attack in Brooklyn? Nothing but cover it up saying a death occurred because of a rental dispute. Yes, a death occurred, but where were the details? Siddiquee BEHEADED him and burned him. The old fashion Islamic way. Even though the decapitation was not completed, the sight for the victim’s brother to discover and for the NYPD to handle was gruesome none the less.

After 9/11 and what NYC is still going through to heal from those wounds inflicted by terrorists, the surge of liberal progressives entering city office are trying to stop the “Islamophobia” of crimes being committed. They’d rather tout the crime as a dispute or hate crime and cover up the truth about the actions of a heinous attack like this. They refuse to let the public know that these Islamic extremists are amongst us and have some brutal methods of expressing themselves.

This law-abiding citizen from Brooklyn did not get the respect and honor he deserved from liberals in city government and the biased media. Instead, the attack by the illegal Islamic thug with intent and purpose to kill was covered up to prevent Islamophobia. And this is happening again in Oklahoma, with the lie of that beheading being an act of workplace violence.

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About Diana Sepulveda

To learn more about the author, check out the "About Us" page. Behind Enemy Lines Radio is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York City that airs on multiple radio stations as part of the Talk America Radio Network. It is also an "Insider" column on Newsmax featuring show hosts Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo. The show is also available on multiple networks across the internet, with more being added regularly.


  1. Islam when followed to the letter creates extremists and is not compatible with civilized society. I stand by that.

  2. Great job D and Mona. You nailed this perfectly. Worda have meaning. Call things out for what they are and damn the sensitivity crowd.


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