For our debut show as "Behind Enemy Lines", we wanted to do something to say "Thank you" to our loyal audience that stayed with us during our transition.
So Wednesday night at 10 PM, tune in to "Behind Enemy Lines", and join us in our chat room for our interview with Shane Krauser, the director of the American Academy for Constitutional Education for your chance to win a FREE copy of Shane's book, Your Nation to Save: A Line-By-Line Explanation of the U.S. Constitution!
During our interview, Shane is going to ask you a question about the Constitution. The first person in the chat room during the live show to answer the question gets the book!
Click here to find out where and when to go - and to hear more about Shane Krauser.
Shane Krauser is the director of the American Academy for Constitutional Education and widely sought after due to his expertise. He is an adjunct professor of constitutional and criminal law, a certified NRA firearms instructor, the chief instructor of K-Force Vanguard, a former prosecutor, and a partner with the law firm of Davis Miles McGuire Gardner. He is also the author of Your Nation to Save and is also a radio talk show host in Arizona.
As a true originalist, Shane relies solely on the Constitution for the basis of his argument. His infectious, positive attitude and pride in our national heritage is both refreshing and entertaining.
OK, so here are the details:
1) Listen to Behind Enemy Lines by going to (be sure to click on the Live365 player at the top of the page!)
2) Log into the chat on the page.
3) Listen to our interview with Shane Krauser.
4) After the interview is over, be the first registered chat participant to answer the question, and BOOM! You win!
It's that simple. See you Wednesday
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