Exclusive! Democratic Petition Fraud CAUGHT IN THE ACT by YRs President

Photo by Brooklyn YRs President Diana Sepulveda

Someone's got some explaining to do.

This photo was taken by Brooklyn Young Republicans President Diana Sepulveda in the lobby of her building.  What you're looking at is a bulletin board in the lobby of her building in Gravesend.  Affixed to it is a Democratic Designating Petition for Mayoral candidate John Liu, Brooklyn Borough President candidate Eric Adams and City Council candidate Mark Treyger.  

Alongside it is a note asking "Registered Democrats" to sign the petition in support of candidate Treyger.  You can read the rest of the note for yourself.

For those who don't know Election Law, enrolled party members are supposed to witness the signature of other enrolled party members.  In other words, any signatures submitted from these petitions, or others like these, would be done so fraudulently.  

Since the culprit committing this fraud is unknown, this, in my opinion, calls into question all the signatures collected for these candidates.  Is this an organized effort? A rogue petitioner? Who is to say?  What would the opponents - Republican and Democrat alike - have to say about this?

And what do you think of this?  Leave us a comment!
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About Gene Berardelli, Esq.

To learn more about the author, check out the "About Us" page. Behind Enemy Lines Radio is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York City that airs on multiple radio stations as part of the Talk America Radio Network. It is also an "Insider" column on Newsmax featuring show hosts Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo. The show is also available on multiple networks across the internet, with more being added regularly.


  1. Was that wrong?

    I usually leave my petitions taped to bus stops. (JK!)


    Good job Diana.

    Even the low-level democrat activists are corrupt/incompetent in this city.

  2. YES - Dinah - I Love You - Your the best Liu is out, maybe you will understand about the Democratic Party - Another One Bites The Dust and they accused me and my good friend Craig of crimes of forging signatures, me and one of the nicest men you would ever want to know and have as a friend. Thanks Craig your the best and you do understand now you do go directly to HEAVEN and you do not even have to stop at GO and this is for Liu I usually pick up cans while I get petitions, maybe he will join me and will talk about China and lets see who knows more about China him or me for I forgot more than he could ever remember, but I like Liu for he reminds me of a soldier who died many many years ago in a place know body knows about and his name was Sgt Chan or Chin or whatever for i forget and he died in South America in a different War and he is missing in Vietnam. BYE

  3. Lets Go Yale
    Lets Go Yale
    Lets Go Bush to Deer Island Lets Go Bush!!!!!
    Lets Go President Obama lets Go Bush
    Why do we let other other countries burn our flag WHY????
    I need to know this for I see our veterans with no arms, legs in wheelchairs, mentally ill, drunk and on drugs... WHY do we burn our own Flag it's a sin!!!!!!
    I can't stand it as the Commanders in Chief you should feel for them Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama and I am in the Emergency Room in the VA and it's sad what I see and feel and how the hell can you let other countries burn our Flag it's a disgrace and I would not give them aid and let them kill each other these lunatic people who fight in Gods name they fight for the Evil Jinn.
    Bye I am sad today and depressed today I am sorry if I hurt any body's feelings with this writing forgive me I am just a little mad and depressed today..bye


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