As Goes Brooklyn, So Goes the Nation! Let's Do It with Bob, Again!

Blast from the Past - Just like NY9 needed Bob Turner - NY State needs him if we'll have any chance to beat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
It's that time of the year again, and if you didn't learn this already, our votes count. Republican voters will have one chance to decide on Tuesday if Rep. Bob Turner (R-Brooklyn), Wendy Long or Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos should represent them on November’s ballot against the well-funded and prohibitively favored Sen. Gillibrand - the most liberal Senator in the nation. 

In an interview with Hamodia, Congressman Turner noted his crossover appeal as someone that could steal the crown from Senator Gillibrand. "Whoever is going to be the nominee has to be the one that can most likely win in November," Turner said. "I’ve won tough elections — election — and I have a good deal of support in Brooklyn and Queens, which would be very necessary to win in November. We have demonstrated an ability to get the Reagan Democrats and other Democrats across party lines, which would be absolutely essential in New York in November."

Turner reminded Republican voters, that after all, we are still in New York, a considerably blue state. "We [Republicans] are way behind in voter registration and so we will have to do a good job across the aisle. My opponents have not really done that or demonstrated that. They have a narrower focus," which might harm the Republican candidate's chance to dominate, Turner asserted.

Just like the top of the ticket, Turner believes that the election will be determined on economic issues, rather than social issues. Since Kirsten Gillibrand has a bad record in terms of aligning with the failed policies and failed record of the President.

"I don’t think gender is going to play a big part in this election," Turner dismissed Wendy Long's only primary argument. "The election will be around the central issues on the Obama administration, jobs, the economy, Gillibrand’s record of support of this administration, the energy policies, support of the president’s tax policies, opposition to the Republican job growth plans. So I think we’ll have enough to talk about, I think the social issues will largely be de-emphasized," Turner explained.

So, while the Democrats have managed to portray Mitt Romney as a flip-flopper, Senator Gillibrand's career flip flop went largely unnoticed. When Ms. Gillibrand was first appointed to the seat in 2008, she was a moderate Democratic Congresswoman representing a Republican-leaning district. She has since pivoted WAY to the left and is tied for the title of the most liberal senator in Washington.

That's a huge shift, Turner noted. "The senator found where party support is strongest and where financial support is strongest, and that’s on the hard left, and that’s the position she’s taken. So I don’t trust her position and I think that will become apparent as we go through this campaign, as we concentrate on her past positions and her current positions and why she is where she is on these issues.

Gillibrand's campaign is well-financed in comparison to the Republican field - it's  a gap Turner - or anyone - will unlikely manage to close. But as we learned from Bob's win in Brooklyn, money isn't everything - message matters.
And as we learned from Bob's win in Brooklyn,  we like to surprise.

'America loves its underdogs,' the National Review wrote on Friday. "Those numbers at this stage aren’t a problem. [Sen. Al] D’Amato was down even further than that at this stage [in his 1981 race], and so was [Gov. George] Pataki [in his 1992 race] at this stage of the game," Turner pointed out in his interview with Hamodia. "So I’m not paying too much attention to that. I would look at the cross tabs, what the people think about the energy, jobs and economy, and our debt bomb. These are all big concerns. She is associated with them, all on the wrong side, and our job will be to connect them."

In conclusion, Congressman Bob Turner's assessment does not fall flat in reality. At the same time last year, he was way down, trailing his democratic opponent by a big margin, lacking support from the party establishment. But he proved many wrong, just enough to make his stunning victory a national story. The underdog will prove it once again, with the help of our concerned New York citizens, and with a strong showing at the ballot box on election day.

Folks, let's do it for Bob.

Vote on Tuesday for the candidate that will raise our excitement to a higher level.. Let's shock the political  world once again.

Remember, it all started here in Brooklyn.
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About Gene Berardelli, Esq.

To learn more about the author, check out the "About Us" page. Behind Enemy Lines Radio is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York City that airs on multiple radio stations as part of the Talk America Radio Network. It is also an "Insider" column on Newsmax featuring show hosts Gene Berardelli and Russell Gallo. The show is also available on multiple networks across the internet, with more being added regularly.


  1. Captain America

    Nice article Jacob, keep up the good work. Stay positive.

    I have never met Turner, but I feel Turner.

    The America people need more Turners. People that are tired of what they see and feel.

    People that are mad at how the country is going.

    People like you all who are mad.

    We need to make everybody mad, even The other parties.

    The tide has to change for the more I talk to people I see this and feel the change a coming.

    Remember everyone who votes counts and you saw this in the last election.

    One person at a time

    Bye my friends and stay positive for I do see The Victory we are shooting for


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